Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Thinking of You & Walking Beside You!

  Hi Stamping Fans!
I've been creating a lot of tags lately so I have some more to share today using stencils, stamps and collage images!

I started by covering my tags with old book pages and adding a thin layer of gesso, then I used the honey bee stencil with texture paste and ink sprays.

I finished with Tim Holtz vintage collage elements and embellies from my stash. plus phrase stamps available at the BPM & IBFS Stores!

Store Links:
Stencil designed by Miss Rach "Honey Bee Honeycomb"
Phrase "I was Thinking of You Today"
Phrase "Take My Hand Walk Beside Me"

***Remember to us the code BPMSharon at the store for 15% off ***
So many fab stamps to choose from!
Note: you can use the code at either the IBFS Store OR the BPM Store - why not do an order from each and increase your stash!

And visit our social media sites for more stamping fun!
I Brake For Stamps - 

Sunday, March 12, 2023

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words!

Hi Crafting Fans!

Today I'm sharing some altered tags using some fab stamps available at the "I Brake For Stamps" site.

Half Sheet "The Old and New"
Phrase "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words"

These tags were easy to make - I used some thick paper towel that I had used as a mat when I had been painting in my journal so it made a perfect background for these tags!

I stamped the images onto white cardstock and adhered to the tags along with some muslin and cotton scraps.

To finish off I added a little flower "gem" as Audrey's earring for some added sparkle and tied some twine to the tops.

Hope you feel inspired to do some creating - even making something quick makes you feel good!

***Remember to us the code BPMSharon at the store for 15% off ***
So many fab stamps to choose from!
Note: you can use the code at either the IBFS Store OR the BPM Store - why not do an order from each and increase your stash!

And visit our social media sites for more stamping fun!
I Brake For Stamps -